Meet Maestra

Maya Spiritual Guide and Priest Nataline Ruth Cruz was introduced to the Maya Cosmology many, many years ago amid self-exploration, personal healing and learning from a multitude of other traditions and teachers. All the signs were there, this was her path. She met Maya Spiritual Guide and Priest Don Miguel Angel Chiquin Yat on this journey, had a profound experience in the Maya Nation and went home completely broke open, turned inside out knowing this was her path but felt it was not the time.
The time would come a many years later after December 21, 2012, when the long count ended, and the new cycle began, Nataline was all in and the seeds of Oxlaju Ochoch Tz’ikin were planted.
Nataline Ruth Cruz is a practitioner of Ancestral Medicine, Sacred Teachings, and many other healing modalities. She is the owner of both “Oxlaju Ochoch Tz’ikin” -- House Of 13 Eagles -- School Of Maya Cosmology & Cosmic Investigation LLC., and Strawberry Moon Energetics, Ancestral Healing & Sacred Teachings, LLC., in Lakewood, Colorado.
She is Shamanic practitioner and a practitioner of Curanderismo learning from great teachers from places such as the Maya Nation in Guatemala, the Andean and Mexica traditions of Mesoamerica and South America and Ancient Teachings from places like India and Egypt.
Nataline works with people individually to bring healing to their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual manifestations. She also works in groups settings, facilitates classes and sacred ceremonies to help her community to heal, to learn, to expand, to raise their consciousness, and most importantly -- remember who they truly are, what their mission is and how to reach their full potential.
With the years of experience in many traditions under her belt, after becoming a full Maya Spiritual Guide/Priest, Nataline was honored to be asked and to receive the blessings and permissions from the Elders in the Maya Nation to open a school of Maya Cosmology in the United States. She often says, that everything she experienced on her life's journey led her to this opportunity. It is the acculumination of all the paths she has walked, it is the center of her potential, her deep love and her Divine bliss to be able to share the Sacred Teachings, and help to Guide all who walk with her.
Maestra Nataline's passion, her mission, has opened the doors for the community of "Oxlaju Ochoch Tz'ikin", has created a place for everyone to heal, to learn and to become "Cosmic Investigators."
Outside of the school of Maya Cosmology, her work is eclectic. She uses her learned abilities as a Clairsentient/Intuitive to sense energies to properly aid and accelerate healing. And with all that, her intention, her mission is "to help guide, to help free and liberate Humanity from what traps them, to awaken them to the truth of who they really are and help them to find and fulfill their Soul's Mission, their Life's Purpose."
She is a community advocate hoping to bring awareness to issues most pressing our society today such as health and wellness, food as medicine, spirituality in conjunction with healthcare, addiction, and mental illness.
Helping people to heal on all levels, to obtain a sense of peace and well-being, is extremely important to her. However, taking them to higher and expanded states of consciousness and awareness is Nataline’s wish for all who seek her help. Her shamanic work has guided her to focus on getting many past their personal problems and return to the Oneness of All That Is.
With this, she has created a series of classes/processes/workshops, such as Masters Of Ascension, Calling All Warrior Women, Alchemist's Fortune, the I AM Quantum Healing series, Egyptian Encounters, Wealth Consciousness Intensives, and more. For over a decade now, Nataline has been a guide to nearly 200 students in Kalpulli, a 4 year apprenticeship and has over 100 women on the Strawberry Moon WarriorWomen’s Council… all to help individuals to heal, to grow, to find and fulfill their life’s mission as guides, healers, and Lightworkers.
She has spent the last 30 years, traveling to many different parts of the World learning from medicine people, spiritual teachers, training in different modalities and receiving initiations to do the work she does today.
As an ordained Minister, and through her initiations in different traditions, she is able to perform baptisms/blessing ceremonies, wedding/commitment ceremonies and other such blessings.
Nataline has been certified as a Body Worker, from the Colorado School Of Healing Arts, in Swedish massage, Deep Tissue Techniques and Fascial Manipulation -- mostly focused on Intra-oral care & Maya abdominal work. She is certified in Mental Health, Amino Acid Therapy, and Addiction Recovery Diets by Christina Veselak. She has been certified as a yoga teacher by Core Power Yoga and recognized by Yoga Alliance. Nataline has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in Creative Writing, both from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
She is a Reiki Master, a Master Teacher in Magnified Healing, and studied at the Oneness University in India initiated by Sri AmmaBhagavan whom she loves dearly and is in deep gratitude for the major shifts in her own Awakening.
Over the past few years, with the help of her community, she has been working on what she calls, " a little experimentation," The Sacred Donut Podcast. The podcast currently has over 35 episodes and over 23,000 downloads.
Besides teaching, Nataline loves public speaking (she’s a talker!) She is often asked to do speaking engagements, presentations, classes etc. for schools, companies, spiritual retreats, and artistic gatherings. She did a series of presentations and ceremonies in places like Washington D.C., Texas, California and in Denver for Dia De Los Muertos, for Richard Sandoval Hospitality. Public speaking and writing are an added passion to an already blissful mission! Look for her books coming soon.
Along with that, she has been working in the "spiritual” retreat business. Big trips to places like Egypt, Tanzania and Viet Nam (both coming soon) for culture, adventure, fun, and healing all from a spiritual perspective and small local retreats for deep inner spiritual healing.
Everything she creates or puts her energy into is intended to help others acclimate and adapt to this rapid shift and help integrate the energies we are receiving from the Universe.
“This is a time of great awakening. I am on a mission to help liberate and free you from the Illusion of who you think you are… I cannot teach you anything you don’t already know. I am only here to remind you.
“My work is sacred, confidential, and extremely delicate. I walk very carefully in this area. People need a safe place to heal, to be vulnerable and to learn who they are… I hope I have created that space.”